Tim Miller Studio

Tim Miller is a furniture designer currently living and working in Brooklyn, NY. After receiving a BA degree in sculpture, he founded Tim Miller Studio which specializes in contemporary furniture, lighting, and objects.

After developing his studio practice, Tim furthered his design education through the Furniture Design Graduate Program at the Rhode Island School of Design where he developed his skills as a designer and maker. His current work revolves around interaction and connectivity, exploring how moving or interchangeable components can serve as an entry point for the viewer.

I helped Tim to design hardware for and develop a number of his products, and fabricated the metal components for his Orbit lamps, Coil bench, and Inverse Chair. The work has been featured in Design Milk, American Craft, Shop in the City torino, and in the Intersect by Lexus showroom in New York, New York.


Keating Wheel Co.


Work In Use