Keating Wheel Co.

In 1885, bicycles took the shape of the diamond, a look and utility not much unlike the bicycles we ride today. They were labeled the safety bicycle, and having evolved from the high-wheeler, were awarded this name for good reason. By 1890, twenty-seven bicycle manufacturers in the United States recognized the trendiness of this safer alternative, becoming focused on what they believed to be the future of cycling. In September of that year, Robert M. Keating would join the show, crafting his version of the ultimate bicycle and The Keating Wheel Company was born. 

Nick Keating and his father have ressurected the company in the modern day, with the intent of building and selling new bicycles inspired by Robert’s original work.

Pulling from Keating’s original designs and injecting a healthy dose of modern fit and finish, I designed and fabricated the new machine, intended to embody the refinement of its contemporary cousins while holding true to the bicycle’s oldest virtue - a vehicle for freedom, fun and escape.




Tim Miller Studio